Seabreeze is a complete service when it comes to a beautiful kitchen, bathroom renovation or joinery for your entire home.
Stylish Kitchens
Thoughtfully designed, expertly crafted and manufactured, we work closely with you to create your dream kitchen.
Beautiful Bathrooms
As with our kitchens, we can custom design and project manage all the trades you require.
What our customers say
Who will you trust your new kitchen or bathroom to?
A market leader for more than 30 years, Seabreeze has set the benchmark in the custom design, manufacture and installation of kitchens and home joinery. Our reputation for creating the finest bathrooms is just as iron-clad, after almost a decade in that space. At Seabreeze we are proud to maintain a repeat and referral rate higher than 75 per cent, as this typifies clients’ satisfaction with our service. Glowing testimonials are also testament to this. Our full-house joinery service also ensures a consistent design flow, while maintaining the highest level of quality throughout your home. We are frequently approached by architects, designers and homeowners all eager to tap into Seabreeze’s imagination, inspirational design, superb craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail.
Most renovations will require many trades such as an installer, plumber, electrician, tiler, or plasterer, so for Seabreeze to be permitted to supervise every required trade throughout the installation process alleviates stress, ensures effective time management, and protects you from potential complications. We are one of only a small number of kitchen and bathroom renovation companies fully licensed to manage all tradespeople involved in our projects. We organise insurance for all projects requiring Home Owner’s Warranty Insurance in compliance with the NSW Home Building Act 1989.
Boasting more than 10 fully equipped kitchens, our Brookvale display room showcases the very best in Australian and international design. There are styles to suit every taste from classic and modern, to ‘beachy’ and shaker, and the kitchens highlight the latest materials and appliances available to incorporate into your dream kitchen. Our customers are always inspired after a walk-through of the expansive and state-of-the-art showroom.
The workshop – located behind the showroom – is where all the cabinetry, entertainment and barbecue units, and other storage solutions are manufactured. Our on-site factory allows you to custom design your kitchen, bathroom, laundry or other joinery, and express your individuality and style.